
Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Driving Castle Combe


  No 1 - Avon Rise into Quarry

Avon Rise complicates the entry into the next proper corner, Quarry. Avon Rise as it’s name suggests is a gradient change with a shallow left hander.  Quarry beyond is blind.
Note:  For the approaches below, braking is either before or after Avon rise, or both, but Never on Avon Rise.

Approach 1:  Move to the RH side of the track prior to Avon Rise. Brake shortly after Avon Rise begins, but come off the brakes before the top of the rise.  Do not head for the LH side of the track but more towards the middle in fact in a visual line with warning traffic light on the bank. Complete braking when over the top of the rise to finally slow the car for Quarry corner. The amount of actual power that may be applied whilst going over the Avon Rise will vary according to the car, but it is important to apply some power in order to balance the car. This approach is ideal for beginners, saloons and heavier cars without down force.
Approach 2:  Follow the same approach as Approach 1: but do not brake before Avon Rise, this leaves very little space or time to brake sufficiently for Quarry and this approach is only for suitable cars i.e. light sports cars or single seater’s, some GT cars with high down force, and very experienced and somewhat brave drivers with the correct type of cars. You have been warned!
The line taken through Quarry will largely depend on how Avon rise was tackled; Quarry is a long fairly slow RH bend and thus has a late apex some two thirds of the way around the corner. Use the full width of the track on the exit, but beware of a slightly bumpy exit kerb.

Coming soon - The Esses and Old Paddock