No 2 - The Esses and Old Paddock
After Farm Straight is The Esses, the first of two chicanes. Do not turn in too early, then take as straight as line as possible between the two apex’s (up to the white lines on RH & LH sides), then wide out of the second apex right up to, but not onto the kerb.
Move smoothly over to the left after the Esses, then from the centre of the track, aim for the RH apex of Old Paddock. There is no need to move fully to the left prior to this; only about two thirds is sufficient. Short-shifting up before the start of the turn in for Old Paddock while the car is balanced leads to a better gear selection to complete this complex and can permit the application of high power (within the car’s cornering capability) right through to Tower.
On the exit from Old Paddock let the car drift out to the left exit kerb but not onto the kerb as this will unsettle car. In dry conditions this is a fast exit.
Sweep smoothly to the right for the line-up for Hammerdown which follows.
Note: There is an escape road on the approach to the Esses that can be used if necessary. There is a tyre wall that has a wriggle through to give access to regain the circuit at Old Paddock. If you have to use the escape road DO NOT turn back to face the oncoming traffic from Quarry.